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John the Ripper password cracker

John est capable de casser différents formats de chiffrement de mots de passe, notamment les mots de passe:

crypt(Unix), MD5, Blowfish, Kerberos, AFS, et les LM hashes de Windows NT/2000/XP/2003.

Des modules additionnels sont disponibles pour lui permettre de casser les mots de passe basés sur les hash MD4 et les mots de passe enregistrés dans MySQL ou LDAP, ainsi que les mots de passe NTLM, pour les de rnières versions de Windows.


All  the  options recognized by john start with a single dash (`-').


[modifier] Les modes

If no mode is specified, john will try "single" first, then "wordlist" and finally "incremental".

  • Wordlist (a text file containing one word per line)

John will simply use a file with a list of words that will be checked against the passwords. See RULES for the format of wordlist files.

-wordlist:FILE -stdin    wordlist mode, read words from FILE or stdin
  • Single crack (depuis les champs login/GECOS)

In this mode, john will try to crack the password using the login/GECOS information as passwords.

-single                   "single crack" mode
  • Incremental (Brut Force)

This is the most powerful mode. John will try any character combination to resolve the password. Details about these modes can be found in the MODES file in john's documentation, including how to define your own cracking methods.

-incremental[=MODE]       "incremental" mode [using section MODE]
[Incremental:All] (by default)
  • External
-external=MODE            external mode or word filter

Pour chaque mode (a utiliser car enrichi chaque mode):

-rules                    enable word mangling rules for selected mode

[modifier] Autres options

-stdout[=LENGTH]          just output candidate passwords [cut at LENGTH]
-session=NAME             give a new session the NAME
-status[=NAME]            print status of a session [called NAME]
-make-charset=FILE        make a charset, FILE will be overwritten
-test[=TIME]              run tests and benchmarks for TIME seconds each
-users=[-]LOGIN|UID[,..]  [do not] load this (these) user(s) only
-groups=[-]GID[,..]       load users [not] of this (these) group(s) only
-shells=[-]SHELL[,..]     load users with[out] this (these) shell(s) only
-salts=[-]COUNT           load salts with[out] at least COUNT passwords only
-save-memory=LEVEL        enable memory saving, at LEVEL 1..3
-format=NAME              Override the ciphertext format detection. Currently, valid format names are DES, BSDI, MD5, BF,  AFS,  LM.

[modifier] Résultats

Once John finds a password, it will be printed to the terminal and saved into a file called ~/.john/john.pot.

cat ~/.john/john.pot

John will read this file when it restarts so it doesn't try to crack already done passwords. To see the cracked passwords, use

john -show passwd.txt

[modifier] Session

  1. Start: john --incremental[=MODE] --save-memory=2 [--session=crack1] --min-len=9 --max-len=14 fileWithPasse
  2. Abort: Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort saving point information to a file (john.rec by default)
  3. status: john --status[=crack1]
  4. restore session: john --restore[=crack1]
  5. show: john --show fileWithPasse

[modifier] Mask

- Static letters.
- Ranges in [aouei] or [a-z] syntax. Or both, [0-9abcdef] is the same as
- Placeholders that are just a short form for ranges, like ?l which is
     100% equivalent to [a-z].
- ?l lower-case ASCII letters
- ?u upper-case ASCII letters
- ?d digits
- ?s specials (all printable ASCII characters not in ?l, ?u or ?d)
- ?a full 'printable' ASCII. Note that for formats that don't recognize case
     (eg. LM), this only includes lower-case characters which is a tremendous
     reduction of keyspace for the win.
- ?B all 8-bit (0x80-0xff)
- ?b all (0x01-0xff) (the NULL character is currently not supported by core).
- ?h lower-case HEX digits (0-9, a-f)
- ?H upper-case HEX digits (0-9, A-F)
- ?L lower-case non-ASCII letters
- ?U upper-case non-ASCII letters
- ?D non-ASCII "digits"
- ?S non-ASCII "specials"
- ?A all valid characters in the current code page (including ASCII). Note
    that for formats that don't recognize case (eg. LM), this only includes
    lower-case characters which is a tremendous reduction of keyspace.
- Placeholders that are custom defined, so we can e.g. define ?1 to mean [?u?l]
  ?1 .. ?9 user-defined place-holder 1 .. 9
- Placeholders for Hybrid Mask mode:
  ?w is a placeholder for the original word produced by the parent mode in
    Hybrid Mask mode.
 ?W is just like ?w except the original word is case toggled (so PassWord
    becomes pASSwORD).

[modifier] Unix like

unshadow /etc/passwd /etc/shadow > mypasswd

[modifier] Install Jumbo version

git clone JohnTheRipper
apt install libssl-dev libgmp-dev libbz2-dev libmeep-openmpi-dev ocl-icd-opencl-dev libblacs-mpi-dev
cd JohnTheRipper/src
make -s clean && make -sj4
cd  /home/ici/git/JohnTheRipper/run
./keepass2john keepass2.kdbx

all files (john.conf, john.pot, john.rc) is in the same directory.

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